- دکتری، مهندسی شیمی، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، 1395.
- کارشناسی ارشد، مهندسی شیمی، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، 1388.
- مکانیک سیالات 1(کارشناسی مهندسی شیمی)
- مکانیک سیالات 1، ترمودینامیک ، عملیات واحد ، ماشین آلات صنعتی و …. (کارشناسی و کاردانی)
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Zilouei, Hamid; Karimi, Keikhosro; ,Lead biosorption by different morphologies of fungus Mucor indicus,International biodeterioration & biodegradation,65,2,294-300,2011,Elsevier
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Alavi, Seyed Amir; Zilouei, Hamid; ,Mechanisms of heavy metal removal using microorganisms as biosorbent,Water Science and Technology,69,9,1775-1787,2014,IWA Publishing
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Ghoreishi, Seyyed Mohammad; Habibi, Neda; ,Schemes for fabrication and characterization of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles via chemical coprecipitation method,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,8,4,846-852,2016,
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Zilouei, Hamid; Karimi, Eikhosro; ,Effect of pH on lead removal from aqueous solution by fungus mucor indicus,Journal of Water and Wastewater; Ab va Fazilab (in persian),23,1,76-83,2012,Water and Wastewater Consulting Engineers
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Ghoreishi, Seyyed Mohammad; ,Application of response surface methodology for optimization of lead removal from an aqueous solution by a novel superparamagnetic nanocomposite,Adsorption Science & Technology,35,1-2,241-260,2017,”SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England”
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Ghoreishi, Seyyed Mohammad; Habibi, Neda; Javanbakht, Mahdi; ,A novel magnetic chitosan/clinoptilolite/magnetite nanocomposite for highly efficient removal of Pb (II) ions from aqueous solution,Powder Technology,302,,372-383,2016,Elsevier
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Ghoreishi, Seyyed Mohammad; Habibi, Neda; Javanbakht, Mahdi; ,Synthesis of zeolite/magnetite nanocomposite and a fast experimental determination of its specific surface area,Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces,53,4,693-702,2017,Pleiades Publishing
- JAVANBAKHT, V; ZILOUEI, H; KARIMI, K; ,Lead biosorption by yeast-like morphology of fungus mucor indicus,,,,,2012,IRANIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
- Tanabtabzadeh, Mohammad Sadegh; Javanbakht, Vahid; Golshirazi, Amir Hossain; ,Extraction of Betacyanin and Betaxanthin Pigments from Red Beetroots by Chitosan Extracted from Shrimp Wastes,Waste and Biomass Valorization,10,3,641–653,2019,Springer Netherlands
- Sareban, Zahra; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Preparation and characterization of a novel nanocomposite of clinoptilolite/maghemite/chitosan/urea for manganese removal from aqueous solution,Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,34,11,2886-2900,2017,Springer US
- Rahpeima, Soraya; Javanbakht, Vahid; Esmaili, Javad; ,Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon/maghemite/starch magnetic bionanocomposite and its application for permanganate removal from aqueous solution,Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials,28,1,195-211,2018,Springer US
- Aeenjan, Fatemeh; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Methylene blue removal from aqueous solution by magnetic clinoptilolite/chitosan/EDTA nanocomposite,Research on Chemical Intermediates,44,3,1459-1483,2018,Springer Netherlands
- Erfani, Masoud; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Methylene Blue removal from aqueous solution by a biocomposite synthesized from sodium alginate and wastes of oil extraction from almond peanut,International journal of biological macromolecules,114,,244-255,2018,Elsevier
- Mehrabi, Maryam; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Photocatalytic degradation of cationic and anionic dyes by a novel nanophotocatalyst of TiO 2/ZnTiO 3/αFe 2 O 3 by ultraviolet light irradiation,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,29,12,9908-9919,2018,Springer US
- Bayat, Mahsa; Javanbakht, Vahid; Esmaili, Javad; ,Synthesis of zeolite/nickel ferrite/sodium alginate bionanocomposite via a co-precipitation technique for efficient removal of water-soluble methylene blue dye,International journal of biological macromolecules,116,,607-619,2018,Elsevier
- Keyvani, Fatemeh; Rahpeima, Soraya; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Synthesis of EDTA-modified magnetic activated carbon nanocomposite for removal of permanganate from aqueous solutions,Solid State Sciences,83,,31-42,2018,Elsevier Masson
- Sabouri, Mohammad Reza; Javanbakht, Vahid; Ghotbabadi, Davoud Jafarian; Mehravar, Mojtaba; ,Oily wastewater treatment by a magnetic superoleophilic nanocomposite foam,Process Safety and Environmental Protection,126,,182-192,2019,Elsevier
- Mirzaei, Shohreh; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Dye removal from aqueous solution by a novel dual cross-linked biocomposite obtained from mucilage of Plantago Psyllium and eggshell membrane,International journal of biological macromolecules,134,,1187-1204,2019,Elsevier
- Vaez, Zahra; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,”Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of ZSM-5/ZnO nanocomposite modified by Ag nanoparticles for methyl orange degradation”,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,388,,112064,2020,Elsevier
- Irandoost, Masoumeh; Pezeshki-Modaress, Mohamad; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Removal of lead from aqueous solution with nanofibrous nanocomposite of polycaprolactone adsorbent modified by nanoclay and nanozeolite,Journal of Water Process Engineering,32,,100981,2019,Elsevier
- Moghaddas, Seyyed Mohammad Tabrizi Hafez; Elahi, Behrouz; Darroudi, Majid; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Green synthesis of hexagonal-shaped zinc oxide nanosheets using mucilage from flaxseed for removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution,Journal of Molecular Liquids,296,,111834,2019,Elsevier
- Kazemi, Javad; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Alginate beads impregnated with magnetic Chitosan@ Zeolite nanocomposite for cationic methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution,International journal of biological macromolecules,154,,1426-1437,2020,Elsevier
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Shafiei, Razieh; ,Preparation and performance of alginate/basil seed mucilage biocomposite for removal of eriochrome black T dye from aqueous solution,International journal of biological macromolecules,152,,990-1001,2020,Elsevier
- Torbati, Taha Vosoughi; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Fabrication of TiO2/Zn2TiO4/Ag nanocomposite for synergic effects of UV radiation protection and antibacterial activity in sunscreen,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,187,,110652,2020,Elsevier
- Vahid Javanbakht, Seyyed Mohammad Ghoreishi, and Mahdi Javanbakht; ,Mathematical Modeling of Batch Adsorption Kinetics of Lead Ions on Modified Natural Zeolite from Aqueous Media,Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering,53,6,1057–1066,2019,
- Moghaddas, Seyyed Mohammad Tabrizi Hafez; Elahi, Behrouz; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Biosynthesis of pure zinc oxide nanoparticles using Quince seed mucilage for photocatalytic dye degradation,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,821,,153519,2020,Elsevier
- Nowruzi, Raziye; Heydari, Maryam; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Synthesis of a chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol/activate carbon biocomposite for removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution,International journal of biological macromolecules,147,,209-216,2020,Elsevier
- Aradmehr, Alireza; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,A novel biofilm based on lignocellulosic compounds and chitosan modified with silver nanoparticles with multifunctional properties: Synthesis and characterization,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,600,,124952,2020,Elsevier
- Marsiezade, Najme; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Novel hollow beads of carboxymethyl cellulose/ZSM-5/ZIF-8 for dye removal from aqueous solution in batch and continuous fixed bed systems,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,162,,1140-1152,2020,Elsevier
- Mohammadabadi, Siroos Iravani; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Development of hybrid gel beads of lignocellulosic compounds derived from agricultural waste: Efficient lead adsorbents for a comparative biosorption,Journal of Molecular Liquids,315,,113715,2020,Elsevier
- Mohammadabadi, Siroos Iravani; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Ultrasonic assisted hydrolysis of barley straw biowastes into construction of a novel hemicellulose-based adsorbent and its adsorption properties for Pb2+ ions from aqueous solutions,Renewable Energy,161,,893-906,2020,Pergamon
- Golshirazi, Amir Hossain; Etemad, Seyyed Gholamreza; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation of Steady State and Physiologically Realistic Pulsatile Flow through the Left Coronary Curved Artery with Stenosis,Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering,54,3,489-499,2020,Springer
- Mohammadabadi, Siroos Iravani; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Lignin extraction from barley straw using ultrasound-assisted treatment method for a lignin-based biocomposite preparation with remarkable adsorption capacity for heavy metal,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,164,,1133-1148,2020,Elsevier
- Khadivi, Miaad; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Emulsion ionic liquid membrane using edible paraffin oil for lead removal from aqueous solutions,Journal of Molecular Liquids,319,,114137,2020,Elsevier
- Badvi, Khadije; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of dye contaminants with TiO2 immobilized on ZSM-5 zeolite modified with nickel nanoparticles,Journal of Cleaner Production,280,2,,2020,
- Aliakbar Banihashemi, Kimia zare, Vahid Javanbakht, Hossein Mohammadifard; ,Calcium carbonate nanoparticles fabricated by a facile method based on the colloidal gas aphrons for removal of fluoride ions from aqueous solutions,Materials Chemistry and Physics,,,,2020,
- Cheraghcheshm, Fatemeh; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Surface modification of brick by zinc oxide and silver nanoparticles to improve performance properties,Journal of Building Engineering,34,,101933,2021,Elsevier
- Mahmoodi, Mahsa; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Fabrication of Zn-based magnetic zeolitic imidazolate framework bionanocomposite using basil seed mucilage for removal of azo cationic and anionic dyes from aqueous solution,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,167,,1076-1090,2021,Elsevier
- Sadeghi, M., Heydari, M. & Javanbakht, V.; ,Photocatalytic and photo‐fenton processes by magnetic nanophotocatalysts for efficient dye removal,J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,,,,2021,
- Javanbakht, Vahid; Mohammadian, Marzieh; ,Photo-assisted advanced oxidation processes for efficient removal of anionic and cationic dyes using Bentonite/TiO2 nano-photocatalyst immobilized with silver nanoparticles,Journal of Molecular Structure,1239,,130496,2021,Elsevier
- Mohammadabadi, Siroos Iravani; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Fabrication of dual cross-linked spherical treated waste biomass/alginate adsorbent and its potential for efficient removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions,Industrial Crops and Products,168,,113575,2021,Elsevier
- Hamami, Zahra; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,”Biosynthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles using biomass, peel, and extract polysaccharides of Solanum Tuberosum for ultrasound‐assisted adsorption of azo direct red 80 contaminants”,Ceramics International,,,,2021,Elsevier
- Rezaei, Shokoofe; Rahpeima, Soraya; Esmaili, Javad; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Optimization by Response Surface Methodology of the Adsorption of Anionic Dye on Superparamagnetic Clay/Maghemite Nanocomposite,Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry,94,4,533-548,2021,Pleiades Publishing
- Vahid Javanbakht, Parisa Aghili; ,Modified Activated Carbon/Cu(OH)2 Nanocomposite for Oil/Water Emulsion Separation,Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry,94,5,680-691,2021,
- Iravani Mohammadabadi, Siroos; Javanbakht, Vahid; ,Fabrication of dual cross-linked spherical treated waste biomass/alginate adsorbent and its potential for efficient removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions,,,,,2021,
- بررسي نقش pH بر جداسازي يونهاي سرب از محلول آبي با استفاده از قارچ موکوراينديکوس، مجله آب و فاضلاب، علمی پژوهشی، 1391.
- جذب زیستی یونهای سرب از محلول آبی با استفاده از بیومس موکورایندیکوس مخمری شکل، مجله مهندسی شیمی، علمی ترویجی، ، 1391.
- بررسی و مقایسه روشهای مختلف سنتز نانوزئولیت، ماهنامه فناوري نانو، علمی مروری، 1391.
- Amir Hossain Golshirazi, Seyyed Gholamreza Etemad, Vahid Javanbakht: A numerical simulation of the non-Newtonian blood flow through a curved artery with stenosis. 6nd International Conference on Engineering and Art; 06/2016Vahid Javanbakht, Hamid Zilouei, Keikhosro Karimi: Equilibrium and kinetics of adsorption of heavy metals onto zygomycetes fungal biomass. 6nd International Conferenceon Engineering and Art, Sweden; 06/2016Fatemeh Aeinjan, Zahra Sareban, Vahid Javanbakht: Simulation of ethyl acetate uptake in supercritical fluid carbon dioxide using a fixed bed of activated carbon. The International Conference on new Researches in Engineering Sciences; 05/2016Zahra Sareban, Fatemeh Aeinjan, Vahid Javanbakht: Mathematical Modeling of toluene Adsorption from aqueous solution by activated carbon fixed bed. 2nd International Conference in New Research on chemistry & chemical engineering; 05/2016Vahid Javanbakht, Seyyed Mohammad Ghoreishi, Neda Habibi: Preparation of magnetic clinoptilolite nanocomposite by co-precipitation and ultrasonic irradiation. 2nd International Conference in New Research on chemistry & chemical engineering; 05/2016Hamid Amiri, Vahid Javanbakht, Keikhosro Karimi: Simulation of fixed-bed reactor for single-step synthesis of dimethyl ether by CuO-ZnO-Al2O3/ γ-Al2O3 catalyst. 12nd National Congress of Chemical Engineering; 10/2008سنتز و مشخصه یابی نانوکامپوزیت مغناطیسی کلینوپتیلولایت/مگهمیت
- شبيه سازي راكتور بستر ثابت براي سنتز تک مرحله اي دي متيل اتر با استفاده از كاتاليست. CuO-ZnO-Al2O3/γ-Al2O3 دوازدهمین کنفرانس ملی مهندسی شیمی ایران، تیربز، 1387.
- شبیه سازی جذب اتیل استات موجود در سیال فوق بحرانی دی اکسید کربن با استفاده از بستر ثابت کربن فعال The International Conference on new Researches in Engineering Sciences, Tehran, 2016.
- بررسی روشهای حذف رسوبات در مبدل های حرارتی واحدهای صنعتی با خوراکهای نفتی
- مدل سازی ریاضی جذب سطحی تولوئن از محلولهای آبی توسط بستر ثابت کربن فعال
- تولید نانوکامپوزیت کربن فعال پودری فرآوری شده/مگهمیت(γ-Fe2O3) بررسی خواص ساختاری و مغناطیسی آن