چکیده پایان نامه های مقطع کارشناسی ارشد گروه زبان

نام و نام خانوادگی:بیتا وکیل اسداله ئی
عنوان پایان نامه: اثربخشی استفاده از چند رسانه ای در کلاس های هوشمند بر بهبود دقت صحبت کردن و تسلط زبان آموزان ایرانی سطح متوسط: مطالعه ای ترکیبی
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر شیلا خیرزاده
Speaking is not a simple skill and achieving the satisfactory mastery of this skill needs some experience, practice and strategies. This study is conducted to investigate the effectiveness of integrating digital media in the smart classes to enhance the EFL learners’ speaking skill. Furthermore, the present study aimed to explore the EFL learners’ perceptions of the benefits and advantages which the implementation of digital media might bring for the process of learning oral skills. To fulfill the purpose of this study a mixed-method design was adopted. For the quantitative phase of this study, a group of 40 Iranian male and female EFL learners were selected based on the results of Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) from private language institute in Isfahan. For the qualitative part, five volunteer participants from among the experimental group participants were randomly selected. In order to collect the required data a semi-structured interview was conducted to assess the participants’ speaking skill. Further, an interview with open-ended questions were carried out to delve into the participants’ perceptions beneficial aspects of integrating multimedia in the process of teaching oral skills in the classroom. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were run to investigate the research questions in the present study. Regarding the qualitative phase, the gathered information from interviews were transcribed and the themes and subthemes were identified and codified by the researcher. This process was done based on theme-based approach. The quantitative finding of the study suggested that the group who underwent the teaching of the speaking courses using multimedia tools such as smart board outperformed in terms of speaking accuracy and fluency. The qualitative finding also revealed that the EFL learners perceived multimedia instruction and smart classes to have both beneficial aspects and challenging issues.

کلیدواژه: :Speaking fluency, Accuracy, Multimedia, Perception, Smart Classes, Intermediate, Mixed Method, Intermediate EFL Learners

نام و نام خانوادگی:مهناز حسینی
عنوان پایان نامه:Effectiveness of Formative Assessment on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners` Autonomy and Motivation
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر علیرضا نجفی

Formative assessment can be seen as an integral part of teaching and
learning, as formative assessment affects students’ learning and vice versa. This research sought to investigate the effect of formative assessment on motivation and autonomy of the Iranian intermediate English learners. To collect data, Oxford Placement Test, Leenknecht et al. (2021) Autonomy Test, and the Motivation Questionnaire Good et al (2022), were administered. To fulfill the objectives of the study an Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was administered among 100 female EFL learners, in Isfahan, Iran and finally 40 participants were selected. Then, they were divided into two subgroups, namely control and experimental groups. The experimental group was assessed by formative assessment, while the control group was assessed by non-formative assessment. In doing so, twenty of forty intermediate level students involved in the class based on formative assessment had the opportunity to be assessed through quizzes, class games, and on-the-spot evaluations while the control group was assessed through final exams, reports, presentations, and projects that demonstrate the cumulative knowledge a student has gained over the course of study. Moreover, a motivation questionnaire and an autonomy questionnaire were given to both groups at the beginning and at the end of study. After receiving treatment for 20 hours of English language class time, autonomy and motivation questionnaires were used to obtain the data and were analyzed using parametric independent samples t-test so that it got information about if there was any statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of their autonomy and motivation before and after completion of the specific treatment on the formative assessment for the experimental group. The findings of the study revealed that there was a significant effect of formative assessment on the students’ autonomy; as well as a significant effect of formative assessment on the students’ motivation. Generally, the experimental groups outperformed the control groups. Finally, several implications that may help guide future research are offered.


Autonomy, Intermediate Students, Formative assessment, Motivation


نام و نام خانوادگی:رویا حاجی هاشمی
عنوان پایان نامه:Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Art
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر امید طباطبائی
The present study was an attempt to investigate the effects of learners’ autonomy on learners’ engagement with the focus on proficiency level. The participants of this study were 60 students who were selected from adult female English learners that they had the same native language. They were chosen based on their performance in an Oxford Quick Placement Test, which assessed their proficiency levels ranging from pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate. The selection process took place at the Parnian Institute in Khomeinishahr, Isfahan, Iran. At the start of the treatment, the learners completed a student engagement questionnaire (SEQ) as a pretest to determine their level of engagement. Both pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate groups were then taught a learning package on autonomy learning for 15 sessions, each lasting 105 minutes. After the sessions, the SEQ was administered again as a post-test to measure the impact of autonomy on learners’ engagement. The results showed a significant difference in the average scores of the pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate participants on the posttest, indicating that learner autonomy had a considerable impact on their engagement. Furthermore, the effect of learner autonomy was more pronounced in the upper-intermediate group than in the pre-intermediate group. The findings can be useful for the teachers, researchers, and learners who are learning English as a second or foreign language.

کلیدواژه:: Learner Engagement, Learner Autonomy, Pre-intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Engagement Questionnaire


نام و نام خانوادگی:امیررضا شیخ صراف
عنوان پایان نامه: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Art
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر امید طباطبایی
این مطالعه سعی دارد دیدگاه معلمان و داوطلبان آیلتس را نسبت به ذهنیت برای آیلتس بررسی کند. برای این منظور 90 داوطلب آیلتس و 15 مدرس آیلتس از دو مؤسسه اصلی آیلتس شرکت کردند که نیمی از داوطلبان زن (45) و نیمی دیگر مرد (45)بودند. سپس به صورت غیرتصادفی در دو گروه مدرس و داوطلب قرار گرفتند. مهم ترین مطالب مورد استفاده در این تحقیق با آزمون ماک استفاده کنند مشخص می کند زیرا در ابتدای مایندست شروع شد که سطح دانش آموزانی را که می خواهند از ماک استفاده از این کتاب مربیان باید سطح دانش آموزان خود را درک کنند و اگر دانش آموزان حداقل نمره 5.5کسب کنند. باالتر از در حال ارزیابی است. عالوه بر این، ایلتس این که آنها واجد شرایط ورود به تحقیقاتی هستند که در آن و همچنین باید در آزمون آیلتس با نمره 7 یا باالتر شرکت کرده باشند تا اطمینان حاصل شود مدرسان باید دارای مدرک که توانایی آنها به اندازه کافی( تفل) برای تدریس آیلتس باالا است. برای هر یک از دو گروه یک پرسشنامه سنجش ارزیابی اجرا شد و آنها ، طرح توصیفی انجام شد. طرح تحقیق توصیفی برای 20دقیقه فرصت داشتند تا آن را تکمیل کنند. برای ارزیابی کمی با ارائه آمار توصیفی و مقایسه میانگین، 20درصد و (SPSS (تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها و اطالعات عددی با بسته آماری علوم اجتماعی مستقل برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده های جمع آوری شده توسط یک گروه، t انحراف معیار گویه های پرسشنامه انجام شد. آزمون دانش آموزان یا معلمان در مورد یک منطقه خاص از قالب کتاب یا محتوای کتاب و ظاهر فیزیکی استفاده می شود. پس از آن آزمون مستقل و آزمون جایگزین من یو ویتنی بررسی شد، فرمول هایی برای مقایسه تفاوت بین t طرح غیرآزمایشی )شبه( که با آزمون دو گروه مستقل برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده های به دست آمده از شرکت کنندگان بود. نتایج پرسشنامه حاکی از آن بود که شرکت کنندگان مدرس معتقد بودند که ظاهر کتاب داوطلبان را به خود جذب می کند و تصاویر آن مناسب است، این نشان می دهد که ذهنیت برای آیلتس کتاب مناسبی مطابق با ظاهر فیزیکی است. اکثر معلمان نیز معتقد بودند که محتوا بر اساس نیازهای زبانی داوطلبان تنظیم شده است و در هر صفحه از کتاب اطلاعات کافی ارائه شده است.


ارزیابی کتاب معلمان آیتلس،داوطلبان ایلتس،ذهنیت برای آیتلس


نام و نام خانوادگی:میلاد سلیمی بروجنی
عنوان پایان نامه: Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement For the degree of Master of Art
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر احسان رضوانی

In the last couple of decades, integrating culture into second language (L2) classroom instruction has received much attention.  Accordingly, this study aimed at discovering Iranian EFL teachers’ and learners’ beliefs and attitudes toward integration of culture into EFL teaching and learning. Moreover, it was attempted to examine whether there are significant differences between Iranian high school EFL teachers’ and learners’ beliefs with regard to the integration of English culture into L2 classrooms. To do so, following a descriptive quantitative survey design, 50 EFL teachers and 50 EFL learners were selected through convenience sampling to participate in this study. To collect the data, two distinct closed-ended questionnaires developed by Elarbash (2019) were administered separately to the teachers and the learners. The results of data analysis showed that EFL teachers held positive views towards the integration of Western culture in their teaching. The findings showed that most teachers were aware of the importance of teaching Western culture although their EFL textbooks paid very little attention to it. Additionally, it was found that the majority of students appreciated the teaching and learning of culture in EFL classrooms. Finally, the results of an independent samples t-test revealed that there was not a significant difference between Iranian high school EFL teachers’ and learners’ beliefs with regard to the integration of English culture into L2 classrooms. The study will provide pedagogical implications for Iranian EFL teachers and learners within the area of inter-cultural instruction and teaching L2 culture.


Culture, Intercultural Language Teaching and Learning (ILTL), Intercultural Competence

نام و نام خانوادگی:سحر عسگری
عنوان پایان نامه:Iranian High School EFL Teachers Assessment Literacy
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر امید طباطبائی

One of the main components of the learning process is teacher evaluation. Therefore, assessment literacy is essential to promote student learning and achievement and teacher education. The focus of this mixed study is to investigate the assessment of English as a foreign language (EFL) literacy of English teachers with TEFL and non-TEFL backgrounds in Isfahan schools. The participants in this research were 100 male and female English language teachers from 20 high schools. Their age was between 25 and 50 years. Selection was based on participants’ willingness to participate and teachers were selected based on available sampling in a non-random manner. The instrument were teacher questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with some of them. In the quantitative stage, all the participants were required to complete the questionnaire through the Google form link, and in the qualitative stage, the participants participated in a semi-structured interview. The findings show that there is a significant difference in the level of language evaluation literacy of teachers according to their educational background. Especially, the results show that post-graduate teachers have higher language evaluation literacy than undergraduate teachers, which shows the effect of teachers’ education level and background.

کلیدواژه:Language Assessment Literacy, Language Learning, EFL Learner, TEFL Background, High School Teachers.


نام و نام خانوادگی:سمیرا قادریان
عنوان پایان نامه: Evaluation of EFL Teacher Training Program in Iran
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر علیرضا نجفی- دکتر کاوه خدام باشی
چکیده: The present study was an attempt to evaluate how effectively English language training program helps Iranian EFL teacher trainees prepare for their future positions. The participants of the study were 100 (33 males & 67 females) EFL students. They were males and females and their ages were between 22 and 30 years old. They are English language teacher trainees of Isfahan teacher training university. In the present study, mixed methods design was conducted as an approach to inquiry that combines or associates both interview and questionnaire as qualitative and quantitative phases respectively. Data were collected via both interviews and questionnaires. Interviews were first conducted with Iranian EFL students to identify concerns related to their training program in Iran. The questionnaires’ frequency counted and descriptive statistics were used in this study. Open and axial coding were used to analyse the interviewees’ data to gain a deeper understanding of the participants. The findings revealed that the majority of participants agreed that the teacher training program established a connection between classroom practice and theory. Additionally, the findings demonstrated that teacher training programs can encourage students to focus on their points in the future implications. Hopefully, the findings of this study will assist educational teachers, administrators, and academicians to better understand teacher training programs in Iranian contexts.


EFL Students, Training Program, Teacher Trainees

نام و نام خانوادگی:مریم بابائی
عنوان پایان نامه:The Impact of Digital Storification on Accuracy and Fluency in Speaking Among Iranian EFL Learners
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر علیرضا نجفی

پژوهش حاضر تلاشی برای بررسی تأثیر داستان گویی دیجیتال بر دقت و تسلط در گفتار در زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان انگلیسی بود. تعداد کل 40 زبان آموز زن انگلیسی با محدوده سنی 13 تا 25 سال با مهارت زبان متوسط در این مطالعه بر اساس در دسترس بودن انتخاب شدند. تست تعیین سطح آکسفورد برای همگن سازی شرکت کنندگان از نظر نمرات آنها در آزمون انجام شد. به نمونه انتخاب شده پیش آزمون گفتاری داده شد تا همگنی آنها از نظر توانایی بررسی شود. پس از انجام پیش آزمون، روند تحقیق آغاز شد. کل آموزش هفت جلسه به طول انجامید. در دو جلسه ی اول، تست تعیین سطح آکسفورد و پیش آزمون به ترتیب اجرا شد. در چهار جلسه شرکت کنندگان آموزش را دریافت کردند و در جلسه هفتم پس آزمون گفتاری به شرکت کنندگان هر دو گروه داده شد تا با استفاده از رسانه دیجیتال تاثیر آموزش بر روانی و دقت گفتاری آنها مشخص شود. در طول هفت هفته ، شرکت کنندگان در گروه آزمایش در معرض کلاس هوشمند قرار گرفتند و دوره های گفتاری با استفاده از رسانه دیجیتال به آنها آموزش داده شد. داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS برای نمونه‌های زوجی و آزمون تی مستقل مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. سپس پژوهشگر مصاحبه ای نیمه ساختاریافته برای جمع آوری داده های کیفی انجام داد. مصاحبه ای متشکل از سوالات که توسط محقق تهیه شده است. نتایج نشان داد که استفاده از داستان گویی دیجیتالی در گروه آزمایش تأثیر معناداری بر دقت و روان گفتاری دانش‌آموزان دارد. نتایج همچنین نشان داد که زبان آموزان زبان انگلیسی نگرش و ادراک مثبتی نسبت به اجرای رسانه های دیجیتال داشتند. یافته‌ها نشان داد که استفاده از رسانه‌های دیجیتال برای آموزش در کلاس گفتاری مفید است. از این رو، امیدواریم که یافته‌های این مطالعه به معلمان آموزشی، مدیران، دانشگاهیان کمک کند تا تأثیر استفاده از داستان گویی دیجیتال بر دقت و روان گفتاری را بهتر درک کنند.


داستان گویی دیجیتال، صحبت کردن، دقت، روانی


نام و نام خانوادگی:ماهان ایهاوندی
عنوان پایان نامه: Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Art
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر علیرضا نجفی

This quantitative study investigated the impacts of self-assessment (SA) and peer-assessment (PA) on Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL Learners’ critical thinking (CT) skill and creativity. A total number of 40 EFL learners with Persian as their L1 participated in this study and they were selected out of the pre-intermediate L2 learners of ACECR English Academy in Ahvaz. To determine the homogeneity of participants, Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) was administered. Then, the homogeneous participants were divided into two groups and qualitative data were collected during 3 weeks while students in one group used SA and the other group used PA. Next, the scores from the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) and Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) presented the quantitative data. The major findings of this study indicated that CT posttest mean score of the SA group learners was smaller than those of their counterparts in the PA group; additionally, it was indicated that the PA learners’ creativity improved more compared to their counterparts in SA group. More precisely, it was demonstrated that there was a positive moderate relationship between CCTST and TTCT scores of the SA group; nonetheless, there was a strong positive relationship between the CCTST and TTCT scores of the learners in the PA group, and this relationship turned out to be statistically significant.


Self-Assessment, Peer-Assessment, Critical Thinking, Creativity


نام و نام خانوادگی:زهرا نقدی
عنوان پایان نامه: Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Art
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر شیلا خیرزاده

This quantitative quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Drive My Brain Model on Iranian elementary English language learners’ metacognitive awareness of reading skills and cognitive reading strategy use. The DMB Model was intended for students to plan, monitor, and reflect using a visual graphic organizer. Graphic organizers provide students with a tool that helps them take ownership of the concepts they learn as they arrange their thoughts. To this end, 60 Persian-speaking learners of English as a foreign language were recruited from two elementary level intact classes (fifth-graders). They were formed the control group (n=30) and the treatment group (n=30). The Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory and the Cognitive Strategies Use Survey were given to the control and experimental groups as pre/post-tests. The collected data were categorized and analyzed through One-way ANCOVA utilizing Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The findings from quantitative data analysis showed that the Drive My Brain Model significantly increased Iranian elementary English language learners’ metacognitive awareness of reading skills and their cognitive reading strategy use. The existing literature on metacognitive awareness and use of reading strategies were discussed and pedagogical implications were offered. These implications include suggestions made for providing learners with explicit reading strategy instruction and strategy use.

کلیدواژه: : Cognitive Strategies, Drive My Brain Model, Metacognition, Metacognitive Awareness, Metacognitive Regulation, Metacognitive Strategies, Self-Reflected Learning


نام و نام خانوادگی:الهه حاج باقر دزفولی
عنوان پایان نامه: A Thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Art
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر علیرضا نجفی
The objective of this study was to find out the impact of constructive feedback (CF) and informal feedback (IF) on Iranian upper-intermediate EFL learners’ speaking skill and motivation during online classes. A total number of 90 EFL learners with Persian as their L1 participated in this study and they were selected out of the upper-intermediate L2 learners of ACECR English Academy and Andisheh Sazan English Institute in Ahvaz. To determine the homogeneity of participants, Oxford Quick Placement Test was administered. Then, the homogeneous participants were divided into two groups and Qualitative data was collected during 4 weeks while teacher in one group used constructive feedback and in the other group used informal feedback. Then the scores from IELTS Speaking Test presented the quantitative data. The results of this study showed that constructive feedback have more significant impact on learner’s speaking skill and motivation during online classes in contrast to informal feedback. .


Constructive Feedback, Informal Feedback, Speaking Skill, Motivation, Online Classes


نام و نام خانوادگی:فرزانه کاشیان
عنوان پایان نامه:Effect of Mobile Assisted Language Learning on EFL Learners’ Self-Esteem and Vocabulary learning
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر امید طباطبائی

مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر یادگیری زبان به کمک تلفن همراه (MALL) بر عزت نفس و یادگیری واژگان زبان آموزان زبان انگلیسی در بافت ایرانی طراحی شده است. یک روش نمونه گیری آسان به منظور انتخاب 40 (زن = 23 و مرد = 17) زبان آموز زبان انگلیسی متوسط همگن از طریق (OQPT) از برخی موسسات خصوصی انگلیسی زبان اجرا شد. برای اجرای این پژوهش از چهار ابزار استفاده شد که عبارتند از: آزمون قرارگیری سریع آکسفورد (OQPT)، اپلیکیشن سازنده واژگان، پرسشنامه عزت نفس و آزمون واژگان. به منظور انجام این پژوهش، محقق به طور تصادفی شرکت کنندگان را به دو گروه آزمایش (20 نفر) و گروه کنترل (20 نفر) تقسیم کرد. قبل از مرحله آموزشی، پرسشنامه عزت نفس و آزمون واژگان برای سنجش میزان عزت نفس و دانش واژگان زبان آموزان اجرا شد. در طول دوره آموزشی با توجه به وضعیت همه گیری کووید-19 و ضرورت آموزش از راه دور، تمامی شرکت کنندگان آموزش لغات آنلاین دریافت کردند، اما گروه آزمایشی باید با پشتیبانی اپلیکیشن واژگان ساز (مگوش) این آموزش را دنبال می کردند. شرکت‌ کنندگان گروه آزمایشی قرار بود در یک بازه زمانی از پیش تعیین ‌شده برنامه را مرور کنند و بر هر لایه از سطح خاص مسلط شوند. مرحله آموزشی به مدت نزدیک به یک ماه طی هشت جلسه 60 دقیقه ای، دو بار در هفته به طول انجامید. در پایان دوره آموزشی مجدداً از پرسشنامه عزت نفس و آزمون واژگان برای سنجش میزان عزت نفس فراگیران و میزان دانش واژگان استفاده شد. داده های به دست آمده با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج این مطالعه، دو یافته را نشان داد. اول اینکه، یادگیری زبان به کمک تلفن همراه هیچ تأثیر آماری معنا ‌داری بر بهبود عزت نفس زبان آموزان EFL نداشت. دوم، یادگیری زبان به کمک تلفن همراه تأثیر آماری معنا داری بر پیشرفت دانش واژگان زبان آموزان زبان انگلیسی داشت. یافته‌های این تحقیق کاربردهای آموزشی برای کمک به معلمان زبان انگلیسی، دانش‌آموزان و طراحان برنامه درسی و برنامه درسی دارد.

کلیدواژه:یادگیری زبان به کمک تلفن همراه، زبان آموزان EFL، عزت نفس، یادگیری واژگان.


نام و نام خانوادگی:حسین خوشبخت
عنوان پایان نامه: A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching English as A Foreign Language (TEFL)
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر احسان رضوانی

This study was an attempt to investigate whether using Inter-group peer online feedback through Edmodo has any significant impact on the EFL students` collaborative learning. To collect data to support or reject the hypotheses of the study, a total number of 40 Iranian intermediate male English Foreign Language (EFL) learners were selected based on their performance on Oxford Placement Test. Then, they were randomly assigned into two groups (20 as a control group and 20 as an experimental group). After that, the participants of both groups took a collaborative learning questionnaire pre-test adopted from Haythornthwaite’s (2000) study that aimed at investigating the learners’ perception of collaborative learning. Then, the treatment started. While the experimental group received its specific treatment, the control group experienced their conventional classroom. The experimental group was asked to practice writing through Edmodo twice a week for ten sessions.   In the end, a collaborative learning questionnaire post-test was administered to both groups. The same as the pre-test, all the participants completed the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics of data provided information such as group’s means, standard deviations, normality, and frequency. Inferential statistics helped us to test the research hypothesis. For doing this, paired-samples t-test and independent-sample t-test were run to make comparisons between the experimental and the control groups’ test scores. The results showed that inter-group peer online feedback through Edmodo has a significant impact on Iranian EFL students` collaborative learning.  In other words, the experimental group made a considerably higher advancement as compared to the control group in the post-test of collaborative learning.

کلیدواژه: Inter-group peer online feedback, Edmodo, Collaborative learning


نام و نام خانوادگی:شیدا زنگنه پور
عنوان پایان نامه:Relationship between EFL Students and Teachers’ Perfectionism and Willingness to Communicate in EFL context
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر امید طباطبائی

The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ perfectionism and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) and learners’ perfectionism and WTC. To achieve this aim, 10 Iranian EFL teachers and 100 Iranian EFL learners whose level of proficiency was upper intermediate participated in the study. The learners’ general English knowledge was evaluated via Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). The instruments used by the researcher for the purpose of data collection were WTC Questionnaire and Perfectionism Questionnaire. The former was a seven-point Likert scale one and the latter was a five-point Likert scale one. As the first step, the OPT was given to the language learners to understand which ones were upper-intermediate learners to become the participants of the study. For selecting the teachers, the researcher asked more than 30 English teachers in Isfahan who had three or more years of teaching experience and 10 of them accepted to take part in the study. Then, the questionnaires were given to the both groups of the participants to evaluate the relationships between their perfectionism and their WTC. The results were gathered for statistical analysis. The findings of the study there was a negative and significant relationship between the teachers’ WTC and perfectionism (r = -.85) and a negative and significant relationship between the learners’ WTC and perfectionism (r = -.37). The current study provides useful implications for learners, teachers, and curriculum developers in the field of TEFL.

کلیدواژه:Learner, Perfectionism, Speaking, Teacher, Willingness to Communicate


نام و نام خانوادگی:سعیده رزاززاده
عنوان پایان نامه: On-line Instruction (Paused Task versus Cloze Activity) in Listening Task-based Instruction of Intermediate EFL Learners: a Focus on Learners’ Metacognitive Awareness
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر شیلا خیرزاده

The effect of planning on task performance is one of the most important issue in SLA. Although some studies have been conducted on examining the influence of planning on task-based instruction, more studies are needed in order to inspect the effect of within-task planning, especially with regard to receptive skills like listening. In fact, listening is an important skill for L2 learners but because of the complicated features of its nature, studies which investigate this skill greatly are not adequate and more attention are required to be paid to it and its contributing factors in language learning studies. This classroom-based study was designed to examine the effect of on-line instruction in terms of paused task and cloze activity on listening comprehension and performance. The current study attempted to investigate whether there was any difference between paused task group and cloze activity group in improving listening comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. Furthermore, this study inspected the difference between paused task and cloze activity in improving listening comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL learners considering learners’ metacognitive awareness. In doing so, 24intermediate L2 learners were selected from one private language institute in Isfahan, Iran. They were randomly assigned to a paused task group (n=12) and a cloze activity group (n=12).A pretest was administered to measure learners’ listening comprehension before treatment. The parallel test was repeated after treatment as the posttest in order to assess the effect of mentioned instructions. Two different instructional treatment with the same listening text was carried out for two groups. The paused task groups’ learners were taught using Pause and paraphrase instructions a set of materials and the cloze activity groups’ learners were taught using listening cloze instruction as a set of materials. The data were collected through five treatment sessions and one metacognitive awareness listening questionnaire (MALQ).Paired sample T-Tests, independent sample T-Tests, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze data. The results indicate that paused task could not significantly improve Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ listening comprehension whereas cloze activity could. Also, learners in cloze activity group outperformed learners in paused task group considering their metacognitive awareness.

کلیدواژه: Planning, Cloze Activity, Paused Task, Listening Task-Based Instruction, Metacognitive Awareness


نام و نام خانوادگی:النازسادات محمدیان اصفهانی
عنوان پایان نامه: Investigating the Transfer of Accuracy from Focused and Unfocused Direct Written Corrective Feedback to EFL Learners’ Oral Productions
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر علیرضا نجفی

This study conducts an experimental research on transfer of learning, focused and unfocused direct written corrective feedback (WCF), and progress of learners’ speaking. It attempts to investigate transfer of accuracy from one English skill (writing) to another skill of English language (speaking), which was supported by peers’ focused and unfocused direct written corrective feedback (WCF). In fact, it surveys the effect of peers’ focused and unfocused direct WCF on oral productions of Iranian low-intermediate learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). To this end, a group of Iranian low-intermediate EFL learners from academic center for education, culture, and research (ACECR) institute of English language participated in this study. They were homogenized by the placement test of the institute, but to ensure the true level of learners they were given an Oxford placement test (OPT). Then, they were randomly divided into two experimental groups of study; in which one of the groups administered the focused direct WCF and the other group received unfocused direct WCF. Both groups were taught a storybook entitled a little princess and they were asked to write a summary of the story in a way that one experimental group received focused direct WCF and the other experimental group was provided with unfocused direct WCF by peers. Before and after the treatment sessions, a pretest and posttest were administered, each. of which was comprised of two tests; one test of writing and one test of speaking. The comparison between the pretest and posttest indicated several implications. The findings of this study revealed that there is not a significant difference in EFL learners’ speaking accuracy in both groups of focused and unfocused direct WCF, though unfocused writing correction outperformed learners’ speaking. Learners in UDWCF group are able to percept their errors in writing and try to use correct form of them in their speaking. Therefore, far transfer of accuracy from writing to speaking leads to a positive transfer. In contrary with unfocused correction, FDWCF leads to a negative transfer because WCF does not affect the speaking accuracy.


Transfer of Learning, Accuracy, Focused Written Corrective Feedback, Unfocused Written Corrective Feedback, Direct Written Corrective Feedback, Peer Corrective Feedback


نام و نام خانوادگی:صفورا نجاریان
عنوان پایان نامه: The Impact of Pre-Task Planning on Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency of Speaking Performance Among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر امید طباطبائی

Despite the growing popularity of paired speaking tasks in task-based instruction, the effects of pre-task planning on performance in them are not yet well understood. The present study was aimed at examining the effect of planning on oral performance of English language learners in pairs in terms of complexity, accuracy, and fluency, while they were engaged in performing a decision making task. Sixty Iranian intermediate EFL learners of Jahad Daneshgahi Language Institute, Isfahan, Iran, took part in the study. The participants, including both male and female students, were randomly divided into thirty pairs. They were given a dialogic decision-making speaking task on four topics. For two of the topics, they were provided with planning time, and for the other two no planning time was given. Their task-induced performance was recorded, transcribed, and rated for data analysis using paired-samples t-test and repeated-measure ANOVA. The results showed that planning was effective in enhancing the participants’ complexity and fluency but not accuracy. It was also found that planning differentially affected the three measures in the speaking performance of the participants, with complexity being most affected and accuracy the least. The findings have significant implications for pedagogical practice and task-based research giving more evidence in support of the validity of task-based language teaching in promoting real language use..

کلیدواژه: paired speaking task, planning, oral performance, complexity, accuracy, fluency


نام و نام خانوادگی:مهری میرخانی
عنوان پایان نامه: Interrelationships between WTC, IdealL2 Self, Self-Concept, Teacher Credibility, and L2 Speaking Among Iranian EFL learners
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر محمد امیریوسفی

The fascinating nature of willingness to communicate (WTC) in second/foreign language (L2) acquisition inspires various researchers to explore the contributing factors affecting the enhancement of WTC. In line with this tendency, this study investigated the interrelationships between WTC, ideal L2 self, self-concept, and teacher credibility among Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners, and tested how well two individual variables (ideal L2 self, academic self-concept) and one situational variable (teacher credibility) can predict WTC and L2 speaking. It also examined whether there are meaningful differences between EFL learners who have a higher level and those who have a lower level of L2 speaking in terms of WTC, self-concept, ideal L2 self, and teacher credibility. To these ends, a number of 130 high and advanced Iranian EFL learners participated in the study. A quantitative method using questionnaires was used to collect the data. The participants L2 speaking was measured by means of self-reported L2 speaking performance while WTC, academic self-concept, ideal L2 self and teacher credibility were measured through specifically developed questionnaires. The statistical analysis of the data revealed that except the correlation between ideal L2 self and teacher credibility, other understudied variables correlated positively with each other. Further, multiple regression analysis revealed that ideal L2 self and academic self-concept significantly predicted the participants WTC and L2 speaking while teacher credibility indirectly and through the mediation of self-concept affected WTC and L2 speaking. Finally, the participants in the high l2 speaking group reported a higher level of WTC, self-concept, and ideal L2 self. However, there was no significant difference between the high and low L2 speaking groups in terms of teacher credibility. The implications of the study were discussed.

کلیدواژه: Willingness to Communicate, Self-concept, Ideal L2 Self, Teacher Credibility, L2 Speaking.


نام و نام خانوادگی:زهرا لطیفی راد
عنوان پایان نامه: Effects of Pictorial Instruction vs. Textual Instruction of Phrasal Verbs in Iranian EAP Reading Classes
رشته تحصیلی:آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما : دکتر احسان رضوانی

This study was an attempt to explore the effect of pictorial instruction and to compare it with textual glossing technique for teaching phrasal verbs in Iranian EAP reading context. First, 28 homogeneous students who had the same language proficiency, vocabulary and phrasal verbs knowledge were divided into two experimental groups. One group was assigned as pictorial group who received the picture instruction of phrasal verbs included in EAP reading text, while the other group was glossing group and the participants received the instruction of phrasal verbs of EAP reading text by glossing technique. The results indicated that the pictorial group had improvement and they got better results of treatment while there was not such a change in the glossing group. Furthermore, the comparison of these two groups showed that there was a significant difference between them and the pictorial group outperformed glossing group. The findings of the present study can help EFL language teachers and materials developers in teaching phrasal verbs.

کلیدواژه: Vocabulary, EAP Reading, Phrasal Verbs, Pictorial Instruction, Textual Glossing Technique


نام و نام خانوادگی:حمید امین الرعایا
عنوان پایان نامه: The Effect of QR Codes on Writing Ability of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners and Their Attitudes
رشته تحصیلی: آموزش زبان انگلیسی
مقطع تحصیلی: کارشناسی ارشد ناپیوسته
استاد راهنما اول: دکتر علیرضا نجفی

پژوهش حاضر تلاشی برای بررسی تأثیر کدهای QR بر نگارش زبان آموزان پیشرفته ایرانی زبان انگلیسی و نگرش آنها بود. برای انجام این کار، شرکت کنندگان 40 زبان آموز مرد انگلیسی با محدوده سنی 16 تا 30 سال در سطح پیشرفته زبان بودند. شرکت کنندگان از کانون زبان ایران انتخاب شدند. زبان مادری شرکت کنندگان فارسی است و انگلیسی را به عنوان زبان خارجی مطالعه کرده بودند. انتخاب شرکت کنندگان بر اساس نمونه گیری در دسترس بود. دو گروه در این تحقیق شرکت کردند و هر دو گروه از آزمون OQPT برای بررسی سطح مهارت و آزمون نوشتاری به عنوان پیش آزمون و پس آزمون استفاده کردند. داده ها با استفاده از پیش آزمون- پس آزمون جمع آوری شد. زبان آموزان EFL ابتدا یک پیش آزمون برای تعیین سطح فعلی مهارت های نوشتاری خود گرفتند، سپس محقق به گروه آزمایشی نحوه عملکرد کدهای QR را آموزش داد. گروه کنترل از کدهای QR استفاده نکرد و طبق معمول آموزش داده شد، در حالی که گروه آزمایشی ما از کدهای QR به عنوان ابزار یادگیری زبان به صورت روزانه استفاده کردند، هر دو گروه پس آزمون گرفتند که با پیش آزمون در طول فرآیند تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS برای نمونه‌های زوجی و آزمون مستقل مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. سپس پژوهشگر مصاحبه ای برای جمع آوری داده های کیفی انجام داد. مصاحبه ای متشکل از سوالات باز که توسط محقق تهیه شده است. نتایج نشان داد که استفاده از کدهای QR به‌عنوان درمان در گروه آزمایش تأثیر معناداری بر مهارت نوشتاری زبان‌آموزان زبان انگلیسی دارد. علاوه بر این، یافته‌ها نشان داد که شرکت‌کنندگان عموماً از نظر روش‌هایی که در استفاده از کدهای QR اتخاذ می‌کنند مثبت هستند و به آنها کمک می‌کند تا از نظر یادگیری مهارت نوشتاری با سایر همکلاسی‌های خود به طور مؤثر کار کنند. از این رو، امید است که یافته های این مطالعه به معلمان آموزشی، مدیران و دانشگاهیان کمک کند تا تأثیر استفاده از کدهای QR بر مهارت نوشتاری را بهتر درک کنند.

کلیدواژه: :مهارت نوشتاری، فناوری آموزشی، کدهای QR، MALL